Baseline Timeline Tab 1
These five indicators could be worked on together utilizing the WebAIM Accessibility Document Training the CO is providing in 2021/2022. These documents are in the public domain making these indicators high impact/high risk
Success Indicator # | Campuses Below Established |
SSU 19/20 | Success Indicator Description |
W.1.11 | 9 | Established | Develop a process to conduct manual accessibility evaluations on digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs). |
W.1.14 | 12 | Established | Develop a process to distribute evaluation results to campus members and vendors responsible for digital content maintenance. |
W.2.5 | 9 | Established | Develop a process for digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs) to meet Section 508 accessibility standards before the documents are published to the web. |
W.3.6 | 12 | Defined | Develop a process to verify that any changes made to existing digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDFs) comply with Section 508 accessibility standards. |
W.5.6 | 10 | Established | Develop a training process on accessibility for digital content: documents (word processor produced, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF), to include Section 508 standards and the campus monitoring process. |