Baseline Timeline Tab 3
These three indicators could be low cost/low effort and could be done by the executive steering committee in consultation with sub committee. Build a better of understanding accessibility; stronger buyin across the campus. These indicators serve high impact/high risk areas - the better campus understand accessibility the more support you will get for your projects
Success Indicator # | Campuses Below Established |
SSU Status 19/20 | Success Indicator Description |
IM.8.1 | 8 | Established | Develop a formal communication campaign with executive support to increase knowledge of accessibility issues and responsibilities. |
P5.10 | 8 | Defined | Develop an ongoing general campus communication with executive support that promotes ICT procurement awareness. (Was 6.3) |
W.6.2 | 13 | Initiated | Develop an ongoing general campus communication with executive support that promotes web accessibility awareness. |