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Web Site Accessibility

SSU's Web Policy requires that administrative websites conform to the accessibility requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, CSU Executive Order 926 and the California State University Accessible Technology Initiative.

It is the responsibility of each website editor to follow accessible design and coding standards.  SSU web editors can seek assistance from the Information Technology Web Office or a member of the SSU Web Team.


Automated testing of department websites is available.  SSU uses Siteimprove to scan websites and evaluate them for accessibility compliance. Submit a Siteimprove ticket to request a Siteimprove report and account.


Some web pages may qualify for exceptions from accessibility requirements. On these rare occasions, an accessible workaround or alternative is usually required. To request an exception please contact Brad Starkey-Owens with a link to the webpage you think qualifies, and a brief explanation.