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What Can I Do?

What can I do as a Faculty Member?

  • Review the Americans with Disability Act and Section 508 of the Rehabiliation Act.
  • Provide an accessible course outline or syllabus.
  • Make textbook decisions early.
  • Incorporate the principles of Universal Design for Learning when developing a new course or redesigning a current one.
  • Attend workshops to learn how to make websites accessible.
  • Attend workshos to learn how to create accessible Word, Powerpoint and PDF files.
  • Visit the Faculty Center for accessibility consultations and workshops.
  • Use the Accessible Syllabus Template when creating and updating your course outlines.
  • Use accessible multimedia instructional materials (e.g. closed-caption video).
  • Post instructional materials and lecture outlines online whenever possible.
  • Present course materials using a variety of media (e.g. visual aids)
  • Use this checklist as a guide to meet students’ needs for accessible materials in a timely way.

What can I do as a Staff Member?

  • Review the Americans with Disability Act and Section 508 standards.
  • Create a work environment that promotes the creation of accessible programs, services and documents.
  • Familiarize yourself with the resources provided by Disability Services for Students.
  • When developing website or publications, include photos of individuals with disabilities interacting with peers without disabilities.
  • Incorporate Section 508 guidelines in all aspects of event planning (e.g. marketing, logistics, technical elements, content, etc.)
  • Include a statement on department materials, event registration forms, websites, etc. encouraging students who have questions (e.g. accommodation, etc.) to contact the department for clarification and solutions.

What Can I do as a Student

  • Assist a student with a disability by serving as a note taker.
  • Understand that everyone communicates and performs tasks at a different pace and in different ways and that a person’s disability may not be obvious.
  • Create accessible class presentations (e.g. PowerPoint) and projects.
  • Create accessible club and organization events, materials, publications and websites.
  • Host a club or organization meeting on the topic of accessibility.
  • Create, ensure and foster inclusiveness. Discourage stereotypical behavior.
  • Protect and respect the privacy of individuals with disabilities.